R. David Pittle has dedicated his career to advancing the interests of consumers in the marketplace, with special emphasis on reducing death and injury from the use of consumer products. He received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, where he served as Principal Investigator for a National Science Foundation Research Grant on “Improving Consumer Safety Through Innovative Consumer Education.” He then taught at Carnegie-Mellon University.
In Pittsburgh, Pittle also helped found and served as president of the Alliance for Consumer Protection. Based on his academic research and his experience as a consumer leader, in 1973 Pittle was selected as one of the original five commissioners of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). In his nine-year tenure on the Commission – serving under four presidents – he focused special attention on reducing deaths and injuries associated with chain saws, lawn mowers, electric hairdryers, CB antennas, flammable fabrics, toys, upholstered furniture, toxic chemicals, and products posing electrocution hazards in general.
In 1982, Pittle was appointed Technical Director of Consumers Union (CU), publisher of Consumer Reports, where he supervised 50 product-testing labs and 327-acre auto testing facility and test track. In 2001, he was appointed Senior Vice-President for Technical Policy at CU, where he was the organization’s lead spokesman and advocate on product safety, automotive safety, and product quality, among other issues. During his tenure, which ended with his retirement in 2005, Pittle not only oversaw the development of Consumers Union’s policy positions on technical and safety issues, but also advocated these positions externally, including numerous press interviews, conferences, and congressional testimonies.
Since 2005, Pittle has continued to work on product safety issues, especially standard-setting, with a number of nonprofit organizations. He has been elected to the governing boards of the American National Standards Institute (2006-2023), Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (2007-2024), and to the Executive Committee of ASTM’s F-15 Committee on Consumer Products. In 2011, he was named member emeritus on the Underwriters’ Laboratories Consumer Advisory Council. In 2017, he was elected to the Board of Governors of the Consumer Product Safety Certification Services, an affiliate of the Society of Product Safety Professionals.
Print Interview
American National Standards Institute website (2022)
“Consumer Product Safety: Through the Years and Into the Future,” ICPHSO Annual Meeting and Training Symposium (2019)
“Improving Health & Safety Using Voluntary Standards: A Status Check,” Underwriters Laboratories Annual Meeting (May 2017)
“TTIP myths debunked – What’s really in it for consumers?” Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (April 2015)
“Building in Safety Without Demolishing Your Product – or Your Market” and “Axioms for a Safe Marketplace,” ICHPHSO Annual Meeting (February 2012)
“At the Crossroads,” India Product Safety Summit (April 2011)
Conference on Consumer Protection in Financial Product Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (2010)
“A Stronger Consumer Product Safety Commission,” letter-to-editor, New York Times (February 22, 2009)
“Toughen up Auto Safety,” USA Today (October 3, 2000)
“Fix Car Design Before Lawsuit,” The Christian Science Monitor, Boston (December 12, 1999)
Journal Article
“Funded Consumer Participation and the U.S. Global Market Strategy,” Advancing the Consumer Interest (Spring/Summer, 1999)
“Consumer Participation in Standards Development,” Conference Report by the National Institutes of Standards (1998)
“Those ATVs Should Have Been Recalled,” The Washington Post (January 23, 1988)
Journal Article
With R. Adler, “Cajolery or Command: Are Education Campaigns an Adequate Substitute for Regulation?” Yale Journal of Regulation (November 1984)
“Getting Serious on Chemical Safety,” Los Angeles Times (October 26, 1982)
“Toxic Substances Regulation at the Consumer Product Safety Commission,” Textile Chemist and Colorist (December 1978)
“Regulatory Trends at the National Consumer Product Safety Commission,” in M. Jones, Consumerism: A New Force in Society (D.C. Heath, 1976)
“Voluntary Standards, a New Perspective,” Standardization News (July 1976)
“The Voluntary Standards System and Mandatory Safety standards,” Standards Engineering (December 1975)
Journal Article
With R. Adler, “A Commentary on Product Liability: An Interaction of Law and Technology,” Duquesne Law Review (Spring 1974)
The Consumer Policy Center (CPC) is an independent think tank of experts dedicated to researching and analyzing consumer policy issues, with a mission to advance and protect the interests of consumers.