Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered Podcast
Listen: Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered
In the “Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered” podcast episode titled “Uncoupling Commissions: A Fairer Marketplace?” released on September 19, 2024, hosts James and Keith engage in a comprehensive discussion with Steve Brobeck. The conversation centers on the practice of cooperative compensation and real estate commissions, highlighting concerns about commission price-fixing and advocating for increased transparency within the industry.
Brobeck shares insights from his research, which have been referenced in legal discussions and lawsuit settlements concerning real estate commission structures. The episode delves into the complexities of relationships among buyers, sellers, and agents, with the hosts challenging some of Brobeck’s views to explore the multifaceted nature of real estate transactions.
Additionally, Brobeck offers his perspective on the future of real estate commissions and licensing standards, providing thought-provoking commentary on potential reforms aimed at creating a more equitable marketplace.
December 15, 2020
Public Comment
Letter to the SEC: Mutual Fund Disclosure Modernization